For convenient and fast shopping for several years now, Dr. Max ordering goods and over-the-counter drugs over the Internet. The Dr.Max e-Shop is one of the fastest growing on the market and tens of thousands of people view the goods on it every day. The vast majority of Dr.Max "stone" pharmacies serve as dispensing points. In 2018, the reservation system was fully launched, which in some cases reduces the time from ordering an item to picking it to minutes in some cases when taking it in person at the pharmacy.
For convenient and fast shopping for several years now, Dr. Max ordering goods and over-the-counter drugs over the Internet. The Dr.Max e-Shop is one of the fastest growing on the market and tens of thousands of people view the goods on it every day. The vast majority of Dr.Max "stone" pharmacies serve as dispensing points. In 2018, the reservation system was fully launched, which in some cases reduces the time from ordering an item to picking it to minutes in some cases when taking it in person at the pharmacy.